Sunday, November 22, 2015 Review

By: Annie Gathers

(this post in no way shape or form incentivizes anyone to procure a loan with ICashLoans. 
This is my honest review and experience with the company that I want to share.) 

 Hello to my fellow readers, I hope your day is going well.

I'm here to give my honest review about a company I sought after to give me a loan when I needed help the most. I understand they are a business and they have to operate as such and not let any personal problems with the client get in the way of their decision making to deny a loan or not....

That's why its somewhat difficult for me to write this review.

Here is a bit about my story before we dive into it.
I'm a now single mother of two boys who are my driving force in my life. My divorce left me penniless. My now ex husband took $13,000 from me before he decided to abandon our family. I was left without a car and almost without a home. I had to quit my job because the company was messing with my paycheck and I noticed allot of financial discrepancies with multiple employees checks including mine. We were all being underpaid barely bringing home $500 a week on a full time 40 hours a week schedule. Money mainly tore my marriage apart. 

After my husband split with the car and 13 thousand he also refused to pay spousal and child support so I did the only thing I could do at the time and quit my take another that paid twenty five cents less but was an assistant manger job. I couldn't stay with a company that was already paying me well below the legal minimum wage and stole from me with no accountability. 

My first two weeks at my new job I got paid, I was in tears...
I had an $800 paycheck which was a godsend. I was able too rent a car to get my kids to daycare and school and get myself  to my new job on time. Though the $800 wasn't enough to really get us back to the lifestyle we were accustom to did enough. So I kept working hard throughout the winter and trying to save here and there for the inevitable when my kids and I had to move from our base housing. My husband's command was no help at all and somehow I came off as a money grubbing jilted housewife.
 All I wanted was our family to be whole again. 

I soon realized that I needed to do it all by myself. That my kids wouldn't be whole without the strength of their mother.
I started looking at options and lawyers and seeking allot of advice from friends and family. I am so thankful I did because allot came from having the courage to ask for help. 

A friend told me to try to get a loan, I can not afford rental fees for transportation much longer without depriving my children.
In all honesty it felt like the only responsible choice I had. 

So I browsed online looking for something that could really help my situation and I found multiple companies that had low interest rates to payback and that gave me the time I needed to pay them back without completely destroying my credit. 
I also needed something to where my husband couldn't find and take my money leaving me screwed. All I had to myself was a prepaid NetSpend account. 

-I am 18+
-I've been employed for more than a month.
-I live in the United States.
-I had a bank account.
-My credit standing didn't matter.

I met all of the criteria needed to get a loan as soon as the next business day. I never considered getting a loan because I didn't think I would ever need one. I was able to pay it back within two months and if anything I made my credit better.

Here are the companies I remember looking through at the time. 

** (I've used them also recently, they helped with back rent and a tight month I was going through. I really recommend them! I got a quick $1,500 , they loan up to $5,000!)
* (up to $1,000 asap) really great for bad credit!


 Anyways, those are all fantastic companies that offer real results and though they do very well none worked as hard to match me with the amount and payments I needed as much as ICashLoans. One representative named Jeff A. sat through with me on the phone to work out details. They never harassed me with spam calls/emails or if I was getting close to paying them back late. They never made me feel like a failure, They were patient and beyond helpful! I was able to put to rest all of the worries I had from my separation and taking an unexpected financial hit. If none of your friends or family has given you helpful advice or a solution to your problems with money..try my recommendation please!

I swear if this reaches anyone who was in the situation I was in or going through their own please make the decision or even consider applying for a loan. It's nothing to be ashamed of, no one has to know and you can get yourself to where you need to be. I'm so thankful and I hope I come off over appreciative because this company truly saved my situation.

Annie G. 
 Thanks for reading! 

For me I took a small portion of my 
personal loan and invested into myself with 
something I could control. Something "he" couldn't 
take from me and that solely relies on me. 
 I started my own business for less than $100. 
I'm not trying to pitch you on my opportunity but tell you that you can do it also. 

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